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Past Events

Helotes Hot Air Balloon Festival

From 29 September 2017 to 01 October 2017
in Helotes, United States

Beautiful Country Community perfect for a Hot Air Balloon Festival. Located outside San Antonio, Texas the 15-20 balloon festival brings Country music and Night time hot air balloon glow and concert alive! Activities for the whole family, carnival, train rides, merchants and food vendors and special children activities including face painting and water rides. ...

Maramureș Balloon Fiesta

From 28 September 2017 to 01 October 2017
in Baia Mare, Romania

Maramureș Balloon Fiesta 4th edition, a balloon festival which is it be held in the beautiful surroundings of Baia Mare, Maramureș County, Romania, between 28.09.2017 - 01.10.2017. The old and the beautiful land of Maramureș is an environmentally friendly region, with traditional wooden architecture, mythological richness, impressive landscapes. Maramureș County is the land of hospitality ...

4. Grimmaer AIRlebnistage

From 29 September 2017 to 01 October 2017
in Nerchau, Germany

Wir erstellen gerade Inhalte für diese Seite. Um unseren eigenen hohen Qualitätsansprüchen gerecht zu werden benötigen wir hierfür noch etwas Zeit. Bitte besuchen Sie diese Seite bald wieder. Vielen Dank für ihr Interesse! ...

Libro Balloon Cup

From 23 September 2017 to 30 September 2017
in Kirchberg, Austria

Balloon teams meet up in Kirchberg, to slug it out in the air. Highlight once again is the "Night of the Balloons". Daily balloon flights from 8 am till 5 pm. Special price: 220€ - 260€ (Reservations: +43 57507 2000 or +43 664 4938195) ...

11. Internationaler GermanCup der Heißluftballone

From 22 September 2017 to 24 September 2017
in Pforzheim, Germany

Entsprechende Informationen der PZ bestätigte Wolfgang Trautz, der als früherer Verkehrsdirektor und Chef der Pforzheim Kongress und Marketing GmbH (PKM) lange Jahre federführend bei der Organisation des German Cups war, solange diese in städtischer Hand lag. Nach seinem altersbedingten Ausscheiden bei der Stadt ist Trautz als Freiberufler tätig und hat unter anderem die ...

Cornucopia Music/Comedy Festival

From 22 September 2017 to 24 September 2017
in Burton Constable Hall, Skirlaugh, United Kingdom

Open Times This year's Fantastic Festival that is the Crackingly Creative Cornucopia will open its doors at 3pm on Friday the 22nd of September 2017. The camp site will open at about noon. Then there are a couple of times when the sky goes all dark - oooh!. This is called 'night time' and we all go to sleep. On Saturday and Sunday the entertainment will kick off at ...

Montgolfiades de Rocamadour

From 23 September 2017 to 24 September 2017
in Rocamadour, France

Programme Samedi 23 septembre 2017 Rocamadour : Canyon de l’Alzou 8:00 : Envol des 30 Montgolfières Vallée de la Dordogne - Loubressac : lieu-dit de Py 17:00 : Envol des 30 Montgolfières Dimanche 24 septembre 2017 Rocamadour 8:00 : Envol des 30 Montgolfières De 8:00 à 17:00 : Brocante - Route du Château De 8:00 à 17:00 : Animations, manèges dans les rues de la ...

Model Hot Air Balloon Meeting

From 22 September 2017 to 24 September 2017
in Brigachtal, Germany

Herzlich Willkommen auf unserer Homepage. Ich freue mich über Ihren Besuch ! Hier können Sie sich über meine Produkte und Leistungen umfassend informieren und Spaß am schönen Hobby Modellballonfahren finden. Herzlichst Ihr Richard Bölling. ...

1 Reviews

Ballontage Toggenberg

From 21 September 2017 to 24 September 2017
in Ebnat-Kappel, Switzerland

9. Internationale Ballontage Toggenburg Die Internationalen Ballontage Toggenburg finden alle zwei Jahre in Ebnat-Kappel SG statt. Zum Programm gehören unter anderem ein Ballonglühen und ein Kindernachmittag. Wir freuen uns, Sie vom 21. bis 24. September 2017 wieder begrüssen zu dürfen. ...

Hale Yes Hot Air Balloon Festival 2017

From 21 September 2017 to 24 September 2017
in Hale, MI, United States

2017 will mark the 8th year for this festival. Hale is the perfect venue for all outdoor activity, featuring 60 lakes, The Huron National Forest, and a friendly atmosphere! The Fairgrounds are located 1/4 mile north of the light in Hale, MI. It will be on the East side of M-65, across from the Hale Baptist Church. ...

Summer Ballooning

From 20 March 2017 to 22 September 2017
in Holzkirchen, Rosenheim, Baiernrain, Sachsenkram, Germany

Floating in the wind, this journey in the skies brings you close to the Bavarian Alps, offering spectacular views of the nearby Alps and the ›Voralpenland‹ below. From spring to fall, we take off in the area of Holzkirchen, Rosenheim, Baiernrain or Sachsenkam; close to Bad Tölz. Our meeting point is easily accessible from Munich in about 30 minutes. Flying time: about 1,5 hours / ...

Third Aeronautic sports and entertainment festival "Heavenly Regatta"

From 17 September 2017 to 22 September 2017
in Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

From 17 to 22 September 2017 in the city of Rostov-on-Don in the third time will be held aeronautic sports and entertainment festival "Heavenly Regatta 2017" during the festival: - Championship of the Southern Federal District; - Open Cup Rostov region - "Ataman Cup"; ...

Central European Cup

From 13 September 2017 to 17 September 2017
in 6720 Szeged, Hungary

We would like to invite you to the BorTér winefestival, where more than 100 wineries presents excellent products and the second Szeged Airshow which is the largest flying event in the region and to the first Central European Cup hot air balloon competition and to the second Szeged Ballon Cup fiesta. Will be a FAI Sporting Event. ...

The Exclusive Cup 2017

From 14 September 2017 to 17 September 2017
in Longleat, United Kingdom

Exclusive Ballooning are delighted to announce The Exclusive Cup has a new home and is moving to Longleat from 2016. The event is confirmed with space limited to fifty balloons with a fabulous balloonist package including gas, food, prizes, sarcasm and other exciting added extras….. Applications will open on January 20th at 1pm on this website and full details of the event and schedule ...

Naburn Lock Balloon Meet - The Splash and Dash event!

From 15 September 2017 to 17 September 2017
in Naburn, York, United Kingdom

Once again, we head back to Naburn Lock caravan site for the weekend, and being so close to the river what better pilot challenge than a Splash & Dash? For the pilot who achieves the (best) S&D, the Diver's Helmet trophy will be theirs to cherish (and polish) for the year! John Russon has won it for the last two years, will he succeed a third time? ......the challenge is on! Meet ...

The Great Forest Park Balloon Race '17

From 15 September 2017 to 16 September 2017
in St. Louis, MO, United States

Celebrating our 45th Year The oldest and most well-attended FREE Hot-Air Balloon Event in the World ...

61. Gordon-Bennett-Rennen 2017

From 07 September 2017 to 16 September 2017
in Fribourg, Switzerland

DER GORDON-BENNETT-CUP Der Gordon-Bennett-Cup ist das renommierteste und zugleich älteste bestehende Gasballonrennen. Den Teilnehmenden, Piloten und Teams aus der ganzen Welt bietet es eine einmalige Herausforderung. icon GESCHICHTE DES CUPS Die Geschichte des Gordon-Bennett-Cups umspannt unglaubliche Abenteuerflüge, legendäre Geschichten und ruhmvolle Rekorde. Das Rennen wurde 1906 ...

Dubbe Goal 2017

From 15 September 2017 to 16 September 2017
in Frankenthal, Germany

Es ist wieder soweit! Das Dubbe Goal Volume 2 wird am Freitag, 15.09.2017 ab 18.00 Uhr zum zweiten Mal in Frankenthal am Kanalhafen (neben dem Ostparkschwimmpad Frankenthal) stattfinden. Was letztes Jahr als kleine Start-Up-Veranstaltung in Kooperation mit dem im zweijährigen Turnus stattfindenden Tag des Sports begann, soll dieses Jahr eine Nummer größer werden. Einige Neuerungen und ...

Air biathlon Cup of Russia 2017”

From 09 September 2017 to 15 September 2017
in Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation

Air biathlon is a new aeronautic sports from Russia. We have replaced a marker with a laser rifle. Refereeing uses only satellite navigation and radio signal from a shot. Information on defeat of the purpose comes to the arbitrator computer from the transceiver which is located in the center a target.The Russian weapon and Russian computer technologies do competitions unique and hazardous. ...

Reno Balloon Race '17

From 08 September 2017 to 10 September 2017
in Reno, NV, United States

About GRBR The mission of the Great Reno Balloon Race is to provide a premier, safe, family-oriented/tourist-attractive, visually dramatic event that celebrates the joy of flight while remaining free to the public. The Great Reno Balloon Race is the largest free hot-air ballooning event in the world. During three days in early September, you can look up into the Reno skies and see a rainbow ...

Grass Roots

From 07 September 2017 to 10 September 2017
in Sackville Lodge Airfield, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom

About Grass Roots Ballooning. In the UK there is a large choice of balloon meets to fly from each year. Most of the large balloon gatherings or 'fiestas' are aimed at entertaining the public. The purpose of the Grass Roots Meet is for as many balloonists as possible to gather on a social basis and fly for fun without the pressure of entertaining crowds - balloonists going back to ...

"Cup International Hot Air sports« Minsk 950th Anniversary Balloon Cup »

From 08 September 2017 to 10 September 2017
in Minsk, Belarus

International Cup Hot Air Sports Minsk 950 th Anniversary to Balloon Cup will be held in celebration of the 950th anniversary of the city of Minsk, capital of Belarus. The objectives of the competition - the definition of the winners, popularization and promotion of aeronautic sports, the development of aviation relations between national federations FAI-member countries. ...

27. WIM Warsteiner Internationale Montgolfiade

From 01 September 2017 to 09 September 2017
in Warstein, Germany

Wettbewerbe: Albert Cramer Long Distance Race, Warsteiner Ladies Cup, Warsteiner Paraballooning Wettbewerb; Rahmenprogramm: Night-Glows, Feuerwerke, Festzelt mit Live-Musik; Kirmesplatz mit Budenstadt; Gasversorgung frei, Campingplatz, kostengünstige Privatunterkünfte, Frühstück, Mittagessen, Pilot Inn ganztägig geöffnet. ...

1 Reviews

Australian Nationals

From 02 September 2017 to 09 September 2017
in Northam, Australia

WE 'RE BACK! SATURDAY 2nd - SATURDAY 9th SEPTEMBER 2017 Following the enormous success of the Australian National Ballooning Championships held in Northam in 2015, the ABF has again awarded the Event to Northam for 2017; so once again, the Northam Aero Club will be delighted to WELCOME visiting balloon crews and pilots from interstate and overseas; as well as members of the public ...

FAI Women's European Championship

From 04 September 2017 to 08 September 2017
in Leszno, Poland

Event ID: 10594 Bid: 294 Event classification: First Category Event Type of event: Continental Championship Disciplines / Task Styles: Hot Air Balloons Place: Leszno (Poland) Date(s): 04 Sep to 09 Sep 2017 ...

XXI Festival "Air Bruderschaft"

From 02 September 2017 to 06 September 2017
in Feodossija, Russian Federation

ANFORDERUNGEN AN TEILNEHMER Jeder Pilot sollte mindestens 50 Stunden als Kommandant eines Heißluftballons abgeschlossen. Die Organisatoren erwarten , um sicherzustellen , zu tragen , dass die Bedingungen , unter festgelegten, bis zu 10 Piloten. Dies wird die Piloten sein , die zuerst ihre Absicht bestätigt , an der Veranstaltung teilzunehmen. Organisatoren stellen Unterkunft und ...

Gatineau Hot Air Balloon Festival

From 31 August 2017 to 04 September 2017
in Gatineau, Canada

One-day wristband: $27 Admission is free for children aged 10 and under (rides not included). * When you purchase an amusement ride package, you get to use the priority lines reserved for holders of these wristbands, which means less of a wait for the extreme rides! ...

Gatineau Balloon Festival

From 31 August 2017 to 04 September 2017
in Gatineau, Canada

JOIN US FOR OUR 30TH EDITION FROM AUGUST 31ST TO SEPTEMBER 4, 2017! For more information u can find the schedule of the event at our website, soon! ...

2 Reviews

Harvard Balloon Fest

From 01 September 2017 to 03 September 2017
in Harvard, IL, United States

Driving: Take Northwest Highway (Rt 14) North from Western Suburbs. Turn left (West) on IL Rt 173. Milky Way Park will be on the right. Train: Take the NorthWest Metra Train line. Harvard is the last stop. Shuttle service available from train station to Festival Grounds. ...

Internationales Ballonfestival Bad Dürrheim '17

From 01 September 2017 to 03 September 2017
in Bad Dürrheim, Germany

Das 14. Internationale Bad Dürrheimer Ballonfestival ist Geschichte. Wir sind dankbar und glücklich, dass wir mit allen Crews und Besuchern ein Ballonfestival der Superlative erleben durften. Beste Wetterbedingungen, nette Piloten und Crews, ein super Publikum und an die 200 Helfer, die unermüdlich, engagiert und mit vollem Einsatz gearbeitet haben sowie großzügige Sponsoren sind die Zutaten ...

Chatsworth County Fair

From 01 September 2017 to 03 September 2017
in Bakewell, Derbyshire, United Kingdom

Chatsworth Country Fair draws to an end with an amazing display from the Red Arrows, the beautiful black horses of the Household Cavalry ridden with incredible speed and precision and finally Beating Retreat as we say goodbye to our 35th Country Fair. Our thanks go to the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire and their Trustess for their support as well as all of the hundreds of people who worked so ...

Sint Niklaas Balloon Meet

From 01 September 2017 to 03 September 2017
in St Niklaas, Belgium

Sint-Niklaas is een feeststad. Er worden doorheen het jaar een groot aantal evenementen georganiseerd. Wil je weten wat er nu of binnenkort te beleven valt in onze stad? Klik dan verder naar UiTinSint-Niklaas. Je vindt hier ook een oplijsting van de evenementen die de stad organiseert of waaraan ze meewerkt. Verder geven we je een overzicht van de kermissen, markten en plechtigheden. ...

Montgolfiade de Thouars

From 01 September 2017 to 03 September 2017
in Thouars, France

Présentation Créée en 2009, la Montgolfiade de Thouars est une fête populaire et gratuite qui rassemble chaque année plus de 15000 personnes sur le site de l’Hippodrome de Thouars le 1er week-end de septembre. 40 ballons prennent leur envol matin et soir du vendredi soir au dimanche soir pour le plus grand plaisir des petits et des grands. La Montgolfiade est une fête gratuite ...

Oswestry Balloon Fiesta

From 25 August 2017 to 28 August 2017
in Oswestry, Shropshire, United Kingdom

Oswestry Balloon Festival is an annual event bringing lots of colourful hot air balloons to the skies above Oswestry. **** You may have seen media coverage regarding the Wales International Balloon Festival moving to Oswestry. This year, the festival was organised for the first time by Nightingale House Hospice to raise money to provide support for terminally ill patients and their ...

Elephant Butte Balloon Regatta '17

From 26 August 2017 to 27 August 2017
in Elephant Butte, New Mexico, United States

The Balloon Regatta kicks off bright and early on both days with a balloon ascension. Weather permitting, balloon glows will be held in the evening. The Elephant Butte Balloon Regatta© (EBBR) provides an opportunity for balloonists, skippers and sponsors to get together and have fun at Elephant Butte Lake, New Mexico. Additionally, it provides the communities of Elephant Butte, Truth or ...

Festival delle Montgolfiere di Treviso 2017

From 26 August 2017 to 27 August 2017
in Treviso, Italy

The protagonists of the Festival slowly take shape at dawn and dusk when weather conditions are optimal and can ensure a safe flight.* It's the wind that indicates the way to follow; to passengers it remains to enjoy the show from the top and satisfy their curiosity about the flight thanks to the professionalism of the pilots. Watch the inflation of the giants of the air, watching ...

24. Niederbayerische Heißluftballon-Wettfahrt Landshut/Niederbayern

From 25 August 2017 to 27 August 2017
in Landshut, Germany

20 bunte Heißluftballone werden am letzten August-Wochenende am Landshuter Himmel zu sehen sein. Der Höhepunkt zu Beginn: Ballonglühen mit Musik Am Freitagabend (25. August) um 21 Uhr, direkt nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit, werden neun Heißluftballone am Flugfeld des Flugplatzes Ellermühle stehen und im Takt zu speziell ausgesuchter Musik von innen beleuchtet. Ein Augen- und Ohrenschmaus ...

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