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Past Events

44. Apfelmontgolfiade

From 25 October 2020 to 30 October 2020
in 8182 Puch bei Weiz, Austria

Auch dieses Jahr werden sich viele Teams aus ganz Europa zur Apfelmontgolfiade in Puch bei Weiz im ApfelLand einfinden. Ein Treffen, bei dem nicht der Wettkampf, sondern Gemütlichkeit und Erholung im Vordergrund stehen. Bei schönem Herbstwetter und guter Laune hoffen wir, Sie bei unserem traditionellen Startplatzfest ab dem 25. Oktober 2020 verwöhnen zu dürfen, denn auch für das ...

1st. Int. Balloon Fiesta - Thiva Cup 2020

From 14 October 2020 to 18 October 2020
in Thiva, Greece

OFFICIAL INVITATION Dear pilots, dear friends. I would like to extend my special invitation for you to be one of the participants in the upcoming 1st International Balloon Fiesta Thiva Cup 2020 - Greece. Event dates: Wednesday 14th to Sunday 18th October 2020. Located at αncient city Thiva - Viotia - Greece. 382232.60N/231526.90E Maximum 20 balloons. ...

2 Reviews

Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta '20

From 03 October 2020 to 11 October 2020
in Albuquerque , United States

An Event Like No Other For nine days in October, the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta® creates an enchanted world of special-shaped balloon rodeos, twilight balloon glows, and vibrant balloon-filled skies. Brisk autumn mornings in the Rio Grande Valley create an otherworldly backdrop for the breathtaking majesty of our most popular event, Mass Ascension of the Albuquerque ...

Maramureș Balloon Fiesta 2020

From 30 September 2020 to 04 October 2020
in Maramures, Romania

Join us for the 7th edition of Maramures Balloon Fiesta ”Maramures, Ballooning and Traditions” 30 September - 4 October 2020 Fly over the Lands of Lapus and Maramures. Explore the villages, meet local people. Get positive vibes from their customs, way of life and generosity. Plenty of non-flying fun for adults and children: village dances, crafts workshops, local food, music and ...

12. Ballonfestival Bonn "light"

From 02 October 2020 to 04 October 2020
in Bonn, Germany

Das 12. Ballonfestival Bonn ist in diesem Jahr in einer "Light" Version vom 02.‐04. Oktober 2020 in der Bonner Rheinaue zu Gast. In diesem Jahr finden lediglich die Ballonfahrten statt, das Rahmenprogramm mit Familienfest, Modellballonen, Gastronomie und Nightglow wurde abgesagt. Bis zu 30 Heißluftballone, darunter auch verschiedene Sonderformen, werden auf der großen ...

Maramureș Balloon Fiesta 2020

From 30 September 2020 to 04 October 2020
in Maramures, Romania

Join us for the 7th edition of Maramures Balloon Fiesta ”Maramures, Ballooning and Traditions” Fly over the Lands of Lapus and Maramures. Explore the villages, meet local people. Get positive vibes from their customs, way of life and generosity. Plenty of non-flying fun for adults and children: village dances, crafts workshops, local food, music and good times, handcrafts market, ...

Central European Cup 2020 - Pre-Europeans

From 13 September 2020 to 18 September 2020
in 6720 Szeged, Hungary

We would like to invite you to the 4th Central European Cup – Pre-Europeans hot air balloon competition and to the 5th Szeged Ballon Cup fiesta and the 4th Szeged International Airshow which is the largest flying event in the region and the BorTér wine festival. FAI Category 1 Event ...


From 08 September 2020 to 17 September 2020
in IZMIR, Turkey

INTERNATIONAL TURKEY BALLOON & AVIATION FIESTA is a huge international organization which will welcome more than50 balloons and balloon clubs from about 25 countries with 1 pilot and their 1 assistant for each balloon and in which, global companies will attend as well. Apart from the stunt and competition flyings of the hot air balloon flights, this festival will be full of other flight ...

Atlantic Balloon Fiesta

From 10 September 2020 to 13 September 2020
in Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada

Join Us! Join us for Atlantic Canada's most colourful festival held in Sussex, New Brunswick, every September on the weekend following Labour Day. Up to 30 hot air balloons fly twice daily (weather permitting), outdoor bandstand, huge indoor market, amusement rides, vendors and so much more! This year we lift off September 6th to 8th! Weather permitting. Balloon Rides WE DO NOT ...

Warsteiner Internationale Montgolfiade 2020

From 04 September 2020 to 12 September 2020
in Warstein, Germany

*********** Abgesagt ************** WIM Warsteiner Internationale Montgolfiade. Mehr als 200 Ballone erheben sich am Montgolfiadegelände in Warstein wieder zum bunten Stelldichein. ...


From 03 September 2020 to 07 September 2020
in TORRES RS, Brazil

Changed date ! The TORRES INTERNATIONAL BALLOON FESTIVAL is the most important balloon event in South America with the participation of 60 balloons from all over the world. This is a friendly competiton with high prizes as a car for the key-grab and 10.000 USD for the ten top pilots. The event is organized by the AIR SHOW cia, and the district of TORRES. Bruno Schwartz, the owner of the ...

Balloon Festival by AmberExpo

From 04 September 2020 to 06 September 2020
in Gdańsk, Poland

First Balloon Festival in beautiful and historical city Gdańsk (POLAND). We are ready to invite 15 balloon teams this year. We guarantee: - accommodation in good hotels for 4-persons teams - full boarding - many attractions between the flights - gas for balloons - NO ENTRY FEE Event schedule: 3 evening flights 1 Night Glow on Saturday 1 Party on Friday ...

6. Internationale Ballon- und Flugtage Alpenrheintal

From 03 September 2020 to 06 September 2020
in 9443 Widnau, Switzerland

Das OK des Ballonclubs Alpenrheintal teilt mit: Die 6. Internationalen Ballon- & Flugtage müssen leider abgesagt werden. Vom 3. bis 6. September hätten im Rheinvorland die 6. Internationalen Ballon- & Flugtage Alpenrheintal stattfinden sollen. Ein gut besuchter und interessanter Anlass mit vielen Ballonstarts zu abwechslungsreichen und sportlichen Wettfahrten, mit einer ...

Apache Balloon Fest

From 28 August 2020 to 30 August 2020
in Lawton, United States

Apache Balloon Fest is a 3-day hot air balloon festival held at Apache Casino Hotel in Lawton, OK. Twenty hot air balloons, balloon rides, balloon glows, kids zone, pony rides, face painting, craft village, food trucks, live music, beverages and tons of fun. ...

Crown of Maine Balloon Festival

From 27 August 2020 to 30 August 2020
in Presque Isle, United States

The festival was born as part of the 2004 Isle Fest, when local pilot Dena Winslow and pilot Bill Whelan from Ontario convinced the then Presque Isle Area Chamber of Commerce to give it a try. In 2006, the name was changed to the Crown of Maine Balloon Fest Since then the festival has continued to grow and has seen some of the best flying around. With many of our pilots claiming that The ...

27. Niederbayerische Heißluftballon-Wettfahrt Landshut/Niederbayern

From 28 August 2020 to 30 August 2020
in Landshut, Germany

20 bunte Heißluftballone werden am letzten August-Wochenende 2020 am Landshuter Himmel bunte Flecken bilden. Der Höhepunkt zu Beginn: Mit einfühlsamer Musik moderiertes Ballonglühen. Am Freitagabend (28. August) um 21 Uhr, direkt nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit, werden acht Heißluftballone am Flugfeld des Flugplatzes Ellermühle stehen und im Takt zu speziell ausgesuchter Musik von innen ...

38. Barneveld Balloon Fiesta 2020

From 26 August 2020 to 29 August 2020
in Barneveld, Netherlands

De Ballonfiësta Barneveld kent een lange geschiedenis. In 1982 herdacht Barneveld dat het precies 500 jaar geleden was dat Jan van Schaffelaar van de kerktoren sprong om zodoende zijn manschappen van een vrije aftocht te verzekeren. In dat jaar (1982) stond ballonvaarder Hans Zoet samen met de Barnevelder Ben Bläss aan de wieg van de eerste Ballonfiësta in Barneveld. Special shapes are ...


From 21 August 2020 to 25 August 2020
in 06732 Bitterfeld, Germany

Ballonfahren, Baden, Spielen, Ausflüge in die Umgebung, in die Welt der Luftfahrt hineinschnuppern... Für Teilnehmer ab 14 Jahre! Wir fahren mit Heißluft- und mit Gasballonen ...

17. MoselBallonFiesta 2020

From 14 August 2020 to 16 August 2020
in Trier-Föhren, Germany

Wir möchten uns ganz herzlich bei allen Besuchern, Helfern und Unterstützern der MoselBallonFiesta 2019 für eine unvergessliche Veranstaltung bedanken. Wir freuen uns schon riesig auf die 17. MoselBallonFiesta im nächsten Jahr. Der Termin steht bereits fest: 14.-16. August 2020! Alle Anmeldeinformationen für Piloten sind unter der Rubrik “Für Piloten” -> “Ausschreibung ...

Gnoll Country Park Balloon Festival

From 11 August 2020 to 11 August 2020
in Neath SA11 3BS, United Kingdom

Family Fun Day in aid of Ty Hafan Children's Hospice, a variety of Fun for the whole family. There has not been a balloon festival in South Wales for over 10 years and this is something that we hope will be very successful and also raise money for Ty haft, we don't want to charge an entry fee instead people will be welcome to give a donation to the charity if they want to. ...

4 Reviews

Sagrantino Cup 2020

From 26 July 2020 to 09 August 2020
in Gualdo Cattaneo (Pg) Parco Acquarossa Todi , Italy

Italy's major international ballooning event with balloon teams arriving from all over the world. The world's N°.1 BALLOONING VACATION held in a relaxed atmosphere with fiesta flights scheduled every morning or competition flights for the more enthusiast balloonist as they may choose. 95% of all scheduled flights actually flown with our always very favorable weather conditions!! ...

42th Bristol International Balloon Fiesta

From 06 August 2020 to 09 August 2020
in Long Ashton, United Kingdom

In order to adhere to the governmental guidelines around social distancing, the 2020 edition of Bristol International Balloon Fiesta cannot take place as normal. Therefore we are launching the inaugural ‘Fiesta Flypast and a virtual nightglow. The event at Ashton Court is cancelled and we are offering a refund on all car parking tickets. Huge thanks to everyone who supported the event by ...

24. Thüringer Montgolfiade

From 07 August 2020 to 09 August 2020
in Heldburg, Germany

Die 24. Thüringer Montgolfiade & 25. Landesmeisterschaft im Heißluftballonfahren vom 07. bis 09. August in Heldburg/Südthüringen findet statt! Aufgrund des Verbots von Großveranstaltungen im Zuge der Corona-Krise wird die Montgolfiade allerdings ohne das geliebte Volksfest, ohne Ballonglühen und ohne Zuschauer durchgeführt. 28 Heißluftballonteams aus ganz Deutschland und der ...

Luxembourg Balloon Trophy

From 22 July 2020 to 25 July 2020
in Mersch L-7055, Luxembourg

****** Event cancelled ***** Discover the wonderful world of ballooning during a full weekend in the park of Mersch. You will experience many colorful attractions during both afternoons, big balloons, small balloons, concerts, shows, exhibitions, food, drinks. Don't miss the wonderful nightglow and firework at the lake on Saturday evening. Free ...

Friese Ballonfeesten

From 08 July 2020 to 12 July 2020
in Joure, Netherlands

***** Event is canceled ***** This year for the 35e time the Friese Ballonfeesten at Joure in the Netherlands We have the maximum of 35 balloons and looking for as much as special shapes to get. The area is the best of holland. Here are a lot of fieds for landing and a lot of small city's and lakes. On the launchefield are much thing to do and to see. It is free entree and a lot ...

Balloons Over Russellville

From 03 July 2020 to 05 July 2020
in Russellville, United States

******** Event canceled ******* Hot Air Balloon festival featuring 15-20 hot air balloons. The event will also feature Helicopter rides and Powered Parachute rides, for an additional charge. Enjoy vendors, food and more at this fun family event. ...

24. Ballonmeeting Hannberg

From 20 June 2020 to 20 June 2020
in Hannberg, Germany

******* Veranstaltung ist abgesagt ******* Mit seinem Hannbergmeeting veranstaltet der Ballonsportclub Erlangen ein kleines, aber überaus beständiges Ballontreffen. Unter der Teilnahme von Piloten des Frankenballon e.V. und anderen fränkischen Ballonfahrern findet diese Veranstaltung immer zur Sommersonnwende westlich von Erlangen in Hannberg statt. ...

27th International Balloon Fiesta Košice 2020

From 10 June 2020 to 13 June 2020
in Kosice, Slovakia

****** Event is canceled ****** International Balloon Fiesta in Kosice is traditional event in eastern Slovakia bringing ballooning lovers together :) For 27 years already, organizers have prepared warm familiar atmosphere and brought joy to the citizens and visitors of the city. The 27th year of Balloon fiesta Košice will take place also this year in our beautiful country, Slovakia! Our ...

3. Fränkisches Paraballooning 2020

From 29 May 2020 to 01 June 2020
in Giebelstadt, Germany

****** Abgesagt ****** Der Plan steht! Wir gehen in unsere 3. Runde. Nach den Jahren 2015 und 2017 planen wir unser 3. Fränkisches Paraballooning 2020. Nachdem der Fallschirmsportspringerclub das Sprunggelände aufgrund zu hoher Pachtforderung aufgeben musste, suchten wir nach einem neuen geeigneten Gelände. Mit dem Markt Giebelstadt und dem AirEA Veranstaltungsgelände haben wir einen ...

SkyHigh Isle Of Wight - May

From 28 May 2020 to 30 May 2020
in Isle of wight, United Kingdom

WE ARE BACK! A fun, relaxed, inclusive event hosted on the Isle of Wight. Held in the fantastic grounds of Robin Hill Country Park. This event offers Free Ferry Travel, Free Gas, Balloonist hospitality Area, Free onsite Wifi and a welcome pack for all teams. Inflation Races, Tethering and night glows and our ever popular meet the pilot sessions. ...

Belgian Balloon Throphy

From 20 May 2020 to 24 May 2020
in Vielsalm, Belgium

Event had to be canceled ! The Belgian Balloon Trophy is an open championship also known as the Belgian & Dutch National Championships. In 2020 we will return to the lovely Belgian Ardennes and host the event from the recently renewed Les Ardennes Center Parcs ...

Winnemucca Balloon Festival

From 15 May 2020 to 17 May 2020
in Winnemucca, Nevada, United States

**** event had to be canceled **** Winnemucca, Nevada wide open spaces and very few 'red zones', in the outback of Northern Nevada. Wonderful little community that has grown to embrace the balloon event as one of the most significant local events in the year. Local committee works hard to make this happen, limited to 12 balloons. Priority given to previous years pilots, ...

Internationales Ballonmeeting Salzburg

From 30 April 2020 to 03 May 2020
in Salzburg, Austria

Veranstaltung musste leider abgesagt werden! **** event has been canceled **** English text below.... 2019 wurde die Piste des Salzburger Flughafen saniert. Daher wares zum ersten Mal möglich, im sonst gesperrten Luftraum um Salzburg Stadt, ein Ballonmeeting zu veranstalten. Unser Highlight waren die Fahrten über die Altstadt von Salzburg sowie Fahrten im Umland von Salzburg. ...

Festival Internacional de Balonismo de Torres

From 27 April 2020 to 03 May 2020
in Torres, Brazil

EVENT IS CANCELLED DUE TO CORONA VIRUS Tradicional Hot Air Balloon Festival with over 60 hot air balloons in the extreme south of Brazil, state of Rio Grande do Sul, by the sea, with outstanding views over canyons, dunes, beaches and cliffs. The mild 5 days competition includes a Key Grab: a big key model is hung on the pole placed in the center of the balloon field, and the prize is a ...


From 02 April 2020 to 05 April 2020

The INTERNATIONAL MERCAT DEL RAM BALLOON TROPHY 2020 is the sporting event in the world of ballooning oldest in Catalonia and the Spanish state, is one of the most prestigious events in Europe. Held each year during the weekend before easter, every year since 1984 in Vic. The event lasts about four days (Thursday to Sunday) and attracts crowds of people and spectators. Includes a balloon ...

7. Lubao International Balloon Festival 2020

From 03 April 2020 to 05 April 2020
in Lubao Pampanga, Philippines

**** event has been canceled **** Lubao International hotair balloon festival in Lubao Pampanga, Philippines. The festival is the biggest annual hot air balloon festival in Southeast Asia. The event is organized by Pilipinas International Balloon Festival, Inc. (PIBF) in cooperation with the Arts, Culture and Tourism Office of Pampanga (ACTO) and with support from Provincial Government of ...

39. Österr. Staatsmeisterschaft

From 25 March 2020 to 29 March 2020
in Stubenberg am See, Austria

Der Ballonclub Apfelwirt freut sich auf Österreichs Ballon-Wettbewerbselite in Stubenberg am See / Schielleiten vom 25.-29.März 2020 bei diesem Wettbewerb wird der Gesamtsieger, der Österr. Staatsmeister und der Steir. Landesmeister ermittelt...weiters werden die Weichen der österr. Nationalmannschaft für 2021 und 2022 gestellt... ...

Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2020

From 19 March 2020 to 22 March 2020
in Putrajaya, Malaysia

The first and largest international hot air balloon fiesta in Malaysia - this iconic event is located at the administrative capital of Malaysia, Putrajaya. Held every March, it is one of the most anticipated event in our tourism calendar. ...

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